5/3/2013: Posted a video on the development of the SAD hack. Watch it below. Enjoy it. Things on premium will be posted soon.
4/28/2013: Started developing a new SAD hack. Final one. Details in post called "Updates!! :D". Also, I started a new code pasting service. It's at http://pasteitz.comze.com/ . I programmed the website myself.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Stick Arena Dimensions Trainer progress 3.
Well, no video this time. However, I have some updates.
I've actually been banned from SAD. However, I can test in quick start. So no more lobby hacks. I am too lazy to change my IP right now. I will make more hacks. More updates soon.
Hey young dragon it's me abluecat how come I called you like 10 times but you never pick up your phone