Current News:

8/3/2014: Finally got around to fixing the link to my SA:D Trainer. Link:

5/3/2013: Posted a video on the development of the SAD hack. Watch it below. Enjoy it. Things on premium will be posted soon.

4/28/2013: Started developing a new SAD hack. Final one. Details in post called "Updates!! :D". Also, I started a new code pasting service. It's at . I programmed the website myself.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Stick Arena Dimensions Trainer V1.3[RELEASE]

Finally!! It's out!! My SAD trainer is finally done. What happened is that lightning hit my house, then killed my modem. My ISP(Internet Service Provider) came to fix it and I had Internet again. Unfortunately, my new computer's Ethernet port died too. So it's getting repaired right now. I am using my old crappy computer, that somehow still works. Anyways, enough about me. 

What it has:
Garfield's vision - See where the other players are aiming at. Stay out of their aim area.
Disable weapons - Disarm your enemies by not letting them pickup shit. 
Radar - See where all of your enemies are. 
Wall Hack(Not Premium) - Black screen. Walk everywhere.
Weapons Hack - Use 1-9 and F1 to F4 to choose your weapon.
Ghost Mode - Basically makes you invincible.
Zombie Mode - Spawn where you died, with the weapon you died with.
Godmode - Never die to your enemies.
Shadow - A player that follows you.
Instant Weapon Spawn - Weapons spawn crazy fast.
Speed Hack - Walk faster.
Reload Hack - Instant reload.
Labpass Hack - Get you paid features for free!
Only person in game - Name says it all.
Only person in lobby - Name says it all.
No Spinner - Don't have a spinner.
Instant Respawn - Respawn with the power of God.
Round Time Hack - Infinite time.
Credits Hack - Your rich!! Buy at your heart's please.
Logged in - Login when in Quickstart.
Anti Lag - No more lag.
Temp Anti-Ban - Won't get banned during game, but if you're banned in game and you logout and login, you will be banned.
Your player stats - Gives your HP, X, Y, and the round time.
Name Hack - Change your game and lobby name.
Fuck Language Filters - Want to make a game name that curses out Boldur or maybe Skype? Here it is.
Suicide - Your player will somehow die and you will respawn.
Rank Hack - Get to rank 15 with a click of a button.
Display IDs - Get personal info from the enemy player such as their game ID or their ping.
Moderator Hack - Get that shiny M badge.
Spam - You want to advertise me or just piss people off? Spam is your answer. The textbox is under the off button.
Best Stats - Get the best profile stats.
Auto Attack - Fingers get tired from clicking too much? Now you don't have to. 
Color Hack - Change the color of your name.
My information - Get your kills, deaths, and other info.
Get my banned - If you hate your account, click on and get attacked.
Quick chat - Always post as quick as you can.
First place - Stay in first no matter what your position.
Easy rank ups, Rank up very fast. 
Teleport Hack - Use 1-3 to go to the enemies
Free Spinners, Pets, Maps - Get all your stuff for FREE!!
Many Credit Prizes - Get 5000 credits every time!!
Epic Blood - So.. Much.. Blood.. EVERYWHERE.
Anti-Spam - No more spam for you.
Go to Frame - Go to a different place.
Pet Mods - Get whatever pet you want. You must already have a pet with you.
Weapon/Player Status - Get the info of every weapon and player.

Killbot I(UNFINISHED) - Teleport to people automatically and kill them.
Killbot II(PREMIUM)(UNFINISHED) - Sit back while you watch the trainer walk and kill for you!! People will think you're actually playing!
Custom Maps(UNFINISHED) - Play your custom map for free.
Master Eye(UNFINISHED) - See everyone around you.

Speed Hack 2(PREMIUM) - Reduce disconnections while you walk fast.
Aimbot(PREMIUM) - Never have to aim again. Just walk around and watch as you gather kills.
Ninja Hack(PREMIUM) - Ever wonder what it feels like to kill like a ninja assassin? Now you know. If you bought premium, that is.
Wall Hack(Premium) - See where the walls are. Walk through them. You can also turn it off!
Spinner Mods(PREMIUM) - Get whatever spinner you want without spending a single credit!!
Mod Scanner(PREMIUM) - Never get banned by a moderator again while your in game!!

Premium Login - Login to your premium account.
Daily Spin - Unfinished. Details later.
Lottery - Unfinished. Details later.

Post on how to get premium is coming soon.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bad news

Unfortunately, due to a thunder storm Maryland, my cable modem had its wires fried and no longer works. I need to get Comcast to install a new one, so the trainer can not be released for a while until the internet comes back on. I am on a school computer right now. Good news is that I can finish the free premium stuff before my internet comes out because I have XAMPP installed, so that's good. I'm sorry for the confusion.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Stick Arena Dimensions Trainer coming out today!!

As of June 2, 2012 4:00 PM EST, my trainer will come out TODAY. It has 1 more thing that needs to be done and it will be released!!!! (YAY!!!!!)

Also, there will some things to get PREMIUM FOR FREE!!!!!!!! 
This includes a daily spin that will be released soon and a lottery that will be released soon as well. I'm almost done the Daily Spin, so you'll get premium for free if you win.

I won't release the details for the lottery, but it's coming soon.

That's because I made you wait a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. 

For some clarification, a variable scanner allows you to get variables in a game. For those of you who don't know what a variable is:

In computer programming, a variable is a storage location and an associated symbolic name (an identifier) which contains some known or unknown quantity or information, a value. The variable name is the usual way to reference the stored value; this separation of name and content allows the name to be used independently of the exact information it represents. The identifier in computer source code can be bound to a value during run time, and the value of the variable may thus change during the course of program execution. Variables in programming may not directly correspond to the concept of variables in mathematics. The value of a computing variable is not necessarily part of an equationor formula as in mathematics. In computing, a variable may be employed in a repetitive process: assigned a value in one place, then used elsewhere, then reassigned a new value and used again in the same way (see iteration). Variables in computer programming are frequently given long names to make them relatively descriptive of their use, whereas variables in mathematics often have terse, one- or two-character names for brevity in transcription and manipulation.
They are also used in trainer makers to make hacks.(Yeah, you can make your own Stick Arena hack!!)

Reasons for the long wait:
-Went to the hospital yesterday for severe sickness.(5%)[1]
-Personal Issues.(50%)[10]
-Family Issues.(5%)[1]

The percentages mean how much it made me useless while the numbers mean how much it lasted from 0-10, 10 being very long.